Welcome . I'm Victoria L. Sanchez

Superhuman Healing Frequencies

Unleash the Power of Healing: Transform Your Life with 'Superhuman Healing Frequencies'

This week, as we celebrate the release of my transformative new book, we also honor the life and legacy of my beloved son Cody. Four years ago, he became my angel, and his spirit continues to inspire every page of this book.

Unlock the Secrets to Extraordinary Healing and Personal Growth.

Imagine a life where you can tap into the hidden frequencies of the universe to heal, grow, and thrive. In 'Superhuman Healing Frequencies,' I reveal powerful techniques and insights that will elevate your mind, body, and soul. This isn't just a book; it's a roadmap to breaking free from limitations and achieving your fullest potential.

A Journey of Transformation and Resilience

Drawing from cutting-edge research and timeless wisdom, this book guides you through practical tools and transformative practices to align your senses with the elements, heal past traumas, and create a vibrant, fulfilling life. Whether you're looking to overcome obstacles, find inner peace, or simply enhance your well-being, this book offers the guidance you need.

Join the Movement: Make 'Superhuman Healing Frequencies' a Bestseller

By joining us in this celebration and sharing in the wisdom of 'Superhuman Healing Frequencies,' you're not only embarking on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment but also helping to keep Cody's name alive. Let's honor his memory by reaching the New York Times Bestsellers list and spreading the message of hope and healing far and wide.

To My Angel Cody: I Love You and Miss You Every Day

​Your light continues to shine through this work, touching lives and inspiring change. This book is for you, and for everyone who seeks to transform their lives through the power of healing frequencies.



My mission is to have a loving and calming impact on traumatized souls who have suffered trauma, grief, or abuse while uniting the global community with the freedom to explore their own inner truths through the transformative paths of self-discovery, self-realization, and personal development. My intention is to support others in living their passion so they may find purpose after their pain.



Does This Sound Like You?

Small Call to Action Headline

According to the American Psychological Association, approximately 70-90% of individuals will experience at least one traumatic event in their lifetime, and about 7-8% of the population will develop post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) as a result. Grief, which is often intertwined with trauma, is a common emotional response to loss, and its prevalence can vary widely depending on the type of loss and individual factors.

Research shows that individuals who receive support and coaching, particularly in the form of a mindset coach, after experiencing grief or trauma are 65% more likely to develop healthy coping strategies and experience faster recovery compared to those who do not seek such support. A mindset coach can provide the guidance and tools necessary to reframe negative thought patterns, build resilience, and ultimately facilitate the healing process.

  • Do you feel like... I don't believe in myself (internal)

  • Does it seem... I have no outside help or resources (external)

  • ​Are you frustrated that... you aren't able to regulate your nervous system (environment)

  • And when it comes down to it, do you... isolate yourself, stay stuck in a trauma cycle, and stop taking care of YOU?

Get To Know Victoria L. Sanchez Better



Victoria L. Sanchez

Victoria lost her son Cody who was tragically shot to death, May 16th, 2020. His transition is the inspiration behind the
Victoria Sanchez rode her ATV to find inner peace and solitude from her dysregulated nervous system caused by her grief and trauma.

She has faced unimaginable challenges through her grief journey. In 2018, Victoria survived a devastating encounter with Mucormycosis, a flesh-eating bacteria that resulted in the loss of her palatal plate and septum.

This grave condition then contributed to her death experience in 2019. In returning to her body she had been shown her calling was to bring peace, joy, and love. Along with the gift of healing for others. Victoria went on a spiritual awakening journey and tapped into her superhuman wisdom.

Victoria discovered the profound impact of sound, breath work, and vibration on her path to self-regulation and healing, and rode her ATV over10k miles of prayer and meditation.

Through pain and isolation she restored balance to her nervous system and regained control over her life. Sacred Sounds, breath, and Neuro Linguistic Programming became lifelines, providing her with ways to navigate the depths of despair, unearthing renewed senses of equilibrium, and bringing about inner peace and harmony. She found the strength to rebuild her life, rediscover her identity, and emerge as a source of inspiration for others.

I would love to share my 20 Steps to Overcoming Grief and Trauma - A Self-Help Guide with you


Our Products

On Sale Now

Superhuman Healing Frequencies

Please help me in honoring my son, Cody by buying my book on the week of it's release, which is the 4 year anniversary of the day he was shot and killed, so we can put it on the New York Bestsellers list. I love you and miss you every day my Angel.


Bridging The Gap From Where You Are To Where You Want To Be

We'll explore a variety of practices designed to nurture your mind, body, and soul.

5-Day Self-Care Challenge


What They Say

Proven Outcomes

"I’m so proud of you, my Soul Sister and Mentor. My life has improved exponentially since I’ve known you. I used to struggle just to lose 1 or 2 lbs a month. Thanks to you, I’ve lost 10 pounds this week.

Plus, I’m walking 7 days a week an average of 3000 steps per day with my dogs and I walked over double that today, which is more than I have been able to walk in 20 years!!

I stopped smoking marijuana after 1 meditation with you. I had been on it for over 30 years,and it was in less than 24 hours.

I’m so grateful for all the support and love that you have shown me and how much you have helped so many people. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you . I love you . The world is a better place because you are in it!!



"Victoria Sanchez is nothing short of an extraordinary source of inspiration, illuminating the path to resilience and recovery after enduring unimaginable tragedies and profound loss. I consider myself profoundly fortunate to count her as a trusted friend within a circle of real-world influencers and uplifters. Victoria exudes an incredible light and an unwavering spiritual energy that infuses every word and deed, serving as a beacon of hope and healing for all those fortunate enough to cross her path.

Her journey, marked by devastating loss and personal hardship, has had an immeasurable positive impact on all hearts she touches. Her solidarity ride to honor the memory of her beloved son has transcended personal grief to become a wellspring of inspiration for grieving parents and survivors of trauma alike. Victoria's journey is a testament to the power of love and resilience of the human spirit. From the depths of her own tragedies, she has unearthed a profound connection to life's most beautiful facets, as she graciously extends her hand to help others heal their hearts and minds in the process.

Victoria guides individuals on a transformative journey from adversity to alignment, while embodying grace and gratitude. I am forever grateful for the positive and profound influence she has had on my life. In a world that often seems fraught with despair, Victoria stands as a shining example of the boundless strength of the human heart and the enduring power of hope. "



In 2017, I was diagnosed with PTSD after several back-to-back traumatic events in my life. In 2019, I took a leap of faith and retired to start my spiritual journey of healing my mind, body, soul, and spirit. It wasn't easy; there were times I was stuck on my journey due to domestic abuse that my children and I suffered, not to mention other traumatic things I was dealing with. I carried a lot of shame, hurt, and confusion. I was hard on myself for loving someone who took advantage of my love and forgave many times. My healing journey hit a lot of bumps in the road.

One thing is, I never knew my healing journey would take me down this road with an old ex-family member, and here's where it begins. I met Victoria Sanchez when I was married to her cousin, and the last time I saw Victoria was in 2012.

When I retired in 2019, I started to get visions again. I used to get visions when I was younger, but I never understood what they were. So, I ignored them also because my family was raised in a Catholic church, and they never believed that visions were of God. Victoria and I were never friends on social media, and I didn’t know anything about the loss of her son, Cody. Everything came to a stop with my ex-husband in 2016. The vision of Victoria's son, Cody, would never go away, and I did not know if Victoria would even talk to me. Because the majority of survivors or victims of abuse, the abuser's family members take the side of the abuser. So, I prayed, and I finally decided to reach out to Victoria. It was definitely a scary moment for me because of my own trauma. When we talked, it was like long-lost friends, and during my conversation with Victoria, I told her that I needed to deliver a message to her, and when I told her about my vision of Cody, Victoria confirmed my vision. I do believe that Cody brought us together. You see, from that day forward, we were both going through our healing journey, and through it all, Victoria has been nothing but a blessing in my life. She has been an inspiration to me; she helped me see things that I could not see within myself. She never turned me away, nor did she judge me or make me feel any less about what I was going through, and she knew that I never wanted to hurt my ex-husband the way he did me or divide the family because I didn’t want to be like him. I can say wholeheartedly that Victoria definitely has so much love in her heart and a healing voice to help others because she understands the pain a mother goes through, and she's also a survivor of abuse. I cannot thank this beautiful soul, Victoria, enough for giving me hope to continue on with my healing journey and to know that we as survivors still have a voice."



#1momsmemorialride Journey Of Hope

I feel so blessed to have made these videos and for the comfort that they have brought me. Cody was my guiding light as I healed and may they give you comfort as well.

Victoria's List Of Recommended Companies

The following links are Companies and Products that we have personally use and recommend.

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Site: www.ridewithvictoria.com

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